Coronavirus is a new disease and we are still learning how it spreads, the severity of illness it causes, and to what extent it may spread in the United States.
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Another possible spread, according to the CDC – Center of Disease Control & Prevention, is by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching your mouth, nose, or possibly your eyes.
Therefore, we’d like to recommend various actions including the use of facial masks that have not been infected, washing hands frequently, covering coughs and sneezes, and limiting contact with others (maintain a distance of at least 6 feet). These measures are actively being practiced by our crews to avoid any exposure to the virus. In addition, our crews are taking other actions including:
These actions may not kill all germs, but they can lower the risk of spreading infection. With that said, we hope you will join us in combating this epidemic by taking the same precautions!
I also want to inform you that we also provide extra cleaning for handles, door knobs, and surfaces with cleaning supplies that have bleach which disinfects 99%. It’s an extra way to prevent the virus from spreading.
Here is more information about how to fight COVID-19.
Thank you very much!
Jocilene carvalho
SC Cleaning Services
188 Oaks Rd Room 1R
Framingham, MA 01702
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