Meet Our Team

Meet Our Fantastic Team

Over the years, SC Cleaning Services has accomplished growth and earned status in the cleaning industry. Most importantly, we've won loyal and valuable customers who allowed us to be part of the growth of their own families.

Through the years, our customers have had children and grandchildren. The value of this interaction made us reconsider our company's guidelines.

We're a family company, made for families, made to assist on home care needs but mainly to assist in achievements. By delivering a clean house to you, we lighten simple chores, provide pleasure along with the fresh scent of cleanliness, and give you the priceless gift of extra time to enjoy life with your loved ones.

Your satisfaction is our priority, and in order to provide you with our best service, you can count on:

  • A highly trained staff to service you on regular basis 
  • Detail-oriented and efficient supervisors to accommodate you
  • An office staff to provide you with an immediate response 
  • An attentive, hands-on owner to oversee it all
Jocilene Carvalho

Jocilene Carvalho


I got my first job back in Brazil when I was 12 years old, working for a family as a housekeeper.

When I was about 23 years old, full of dreams and feeling like not challenging myself enough, I decided to immigrate to the United States to seek better opportunities. In 2005, I arrived in Framingham, MA, during the enchanting holiday of Christmas.

My first job in the US, was for a small cleaning company where there wasn't much room for growth, so I changed jobs.  In a couple months I started working for a Brazilian bakery in downtown Framingham, MA, where I stayed for two years and where I had an opportunity to grow. I gained knowledge in leadership and customer service.

I started to learn English, something so fundamental but hard to conquer. Forced once again to turn the page and go after new challenges, I worked in a restaurant.

Finally in 2009, I understood that it was time to start my own business. I started my own cleaning business with eight residential customers who generously gave me a chance. 

I found a business partner, but our partnership didn't last long because we had different goals. So, as I did before, I had to lift my head up, and start all over again with more determination and grit. Finally, after years of roadblocks, wasted time, and wasted money, in 2017, I structured my company in the format we are today.

I employ approximately 23 full timers and give many others like me, who arrives from a different country, without much expectation but with many dreams, the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to eventually become as successful as I feel.

I am a mother, wife, and a proud businesswoman full of plans and achievements to reach!

Lilliane Araujo

Lilliane Araujo

Office Assistant

Danielle Alcantara

Claudia Delallo


Danielle Alcantara

Aline Vavassori


Aline Vavassori

Geovana Santos

Cleaning Agent Senior

Ana Klara Oliveira

Cinara Alvarenga

Cleaning Agent Junior

Priscila Souza

Franciele Silva

Cleaning Agent Junior

Ana Klara Oliveira

Ana Klara Oliveira

Cleaning Agent Senior

Geiss Vaz

Francielle Dias

Cleaning Agent Senior

Luana Rezende

Greisiene Gomes

Cleaning Agent Junior

Lilliane Araujo

Rosimar Ferraz

Cleaning Agent Junior

Eliane Lopes

Barbara Sena

Cleaning Agent Senior

Lenise Souza

Sara Maia

Cleaning Agent Junior

Aline Vavassori

Elaine Silva

Cleaning Agent Senior

Ana Klara Oliveira

Estela de Santa Rita

Cleaning Agent Junior

Ana Klara Oliveira

We are hiring!

Cleaning Agent Junior

Talita Freitas

Graziele Freitas

Cleaning Agent Senior

Ana Klara Oliveira

Laryssa Oliveira

Cleaning Agent Junior

Aline Vavassori

Ketlen Silva

Cleaning Agent Senior

Want to be part of our team?

Send us a Job Application. We'll get in touch once your application is reviewed.

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